The Different Use of Windsocks

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Windsocks are extremely useful devices that have been around for many years. These are used in a range of industries, and we’re here to tell you a bit more about the different windsock uses in the industry today.

Use of Windsocks in Airports

One of the most prolific places you’ll find windsocks are at airports. Understanding the direction and speed of the wind is very important to pilots and those in the control tower, helping them to work out the complex mathematics involved in flying, accounting for resistance and fuel consumption.

These are very important in ensuring the safety of the airport, and you’ll find that many of them have a dedicated floodlight, allowing the windsock to be seen at all times by the pilot.

Use of Windsocks on Helicopter Pads

As a helicopter is much smaller than a plane, they’re much more likely to be affected by the wind, meaning it’s even more critical for the pilot to be aware of strong winds present and to be able to compensate for this. A small craft like a helicopter can quickly find itself in trouble should the wind be too fast or strong.

Windsocks are also essential for landing the craft too, as the pilot has to be able to understand which way the wind is blowing and how quickly it’s moving. If it’s too strong, then they may need to change their landing procedure or land elsewhere.

Use of Windsocks in Chemical Plants

You may also have seen windsocks in places around the outside of chemical plants, giving emergency services vital information that they can use in case of a leak. With airborne chemicals, a windsock can be used to work out where any possible chemical contamination has occurred and how fast any toxic fumes are moving.

Gas and oil rigs also have windsocks in place for safety reasons. Should a natural leak occur, the windsock can be used to calculate wind speed and strength to enable a radius of contamination to be calculated.

Use of Windsocks in Meteorology

Predicting the weather is no mean feat and gathering accurate data is half the battle. By using windsocks, meteorologists can assess the ever-changing wind patterns to figure out what will happen to the weather next. In their array of tools, there are many ways to determine wind, air pressure and more.

Use of Windsocks on Golf Courses

The wind can also impact the trajectory of a golf ball, by knowing this in advance, golfers can seek to compensate for this. These can be positioned around the course, as the wind will naturally change over the landscape. Golf course windsock uses are more for vanity then safety and can be coloured to match the course’s colours.

Now that you know more about the various windsock uses, you can determine which type of windsock is best suited to your requirements. Take a look at our range of products to find the option for your needs.

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